Adventist Education in the Papua New Guinea Union Mission aims to develop better citizens not only for this world but a world to come.
“The knowledge of the holy is understanding; “Acquaint now thyself with Him.”
Our ideas of education take too narrow and too low a range. There is need of a broader scope, a higher aim. True education means more than the pursual of a certain course of study. It means more than a preparation for the life that now is. It has to do with the whole being, and with the whole period of existence possible to man. It is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers. It prepares the student for the joy of service in this world and for the higher joy of wider service in the world to come. Ed 13.1
The source of such an education is brought to view in these words of Holy Writ, pointing to the Infinite One: In Him “are hid all the treasures of wisdom.” Colossians 2:3. “He hath counsel and understanding.” Job 12:13. Ed 13.2
The world has had its great teachers, men of giant intellect and extensive research, men whose utterances have stimulated thought and opened to view vast fields of knowledge; and these men have been honored as guides and benefactors of their race; but there is One who stands higher than they. We can trace the line of the world's teachers as far back as human records extend; but the Light was before them. As the moon and the stars of our solar system shine by the reflected light of the sun, so, as far as their teaching is true, do the world's great thinkers reflect the rays of the Sun of Righteousness. Every gleam of thought, every flash of the intellect, is from the Light of the world. Ed 13.3
In these days much is said concerning the nature and importance of “higher education.” The true “higher education” is that imparted by Him with whom “is wisdom and strength” (Job 12:13), out of whose mouth “cometh knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6. Ed 14.1
Enclosed is a link that offers you and your church members a new and dynamic way of considering the importance of being eternal learners.
Link: Sabbath School Educating for Eternity Series "Eternal learners" Sabbath 26 September
Link: Lesson / Episode 1: Education begins and ends with God Sabbath 2 October
Link: Lesson / Episode 2: Community supports learnings Sabbath 9 October
Link: Lesson / Episode 3: All learning happens best in relationships Sabbath 16 October
(Other Educating for eternity Episodes to come)
This coincides with each lesson of this coming fourth quarter. The Adventist Education Office in the New Zealand Pacific Union Conference have compiled a short, professionally produced video clip presentation to complement and support each week’s topic.
Each short clip is a valuable, dynamic resource which can be used to introduce or consolidate the study of the lesson. Thus, they would be suitable to show to the Sabbath School classes before engaging in a lesson-study or at the beginning of the Divine service. There are other opportunities for their use and this information will follow.
As a pastor or church leader you are in a unique position to bring this resource and its powerful message to the attention of your congregation – even where there may not be a local Seventh-day Adventist school. We urge you to use this opportunity to re-emphasise the importance of life-long learning and Educating for Eternity.
Lesson Outline: Educating for Eternity series lesson Index
Lesson Title - week (Adventist Education series episode title)
#0 Introduction – September 26, (“Eternal learner”)
#1 Education in the Garden of Eden—September 26–October 2, (“Education begins and ends with God”)
#2 The Family—October 3–9, (“Community supports learnings”)
#3 The Law as Teacher—October 10–16, (“All learning happens best in relationship”)
#4 “The Eyes of the Lord”: The Biblical Worldview—October 17–23, (“We are not perfect and sometimes we mess up”)
#5 Jesus as the Master Teacher—October 24–30, (“We are Jesus’ mirrors”)
#6 More Lessons From the Master Teacher—October 31–November 6, (“Adventist education changes lives”)
#7 Worship in Education—November 7–13, (“Worship is at the heart of learning”)
#8 Education and Redemption—November 14–20, (“Grace changes lives”)
#9 The Church and Education—November 21–27, (“Church is a learning centre”)
#10 Education in Arts and Sciences—November 28–December 4, (“Learning through activity and exploration”)
#11 The Christian and Work—December 5–11, (“Learning his calling on our lives”)
#12 Sabbath: Experiencing and Living the Character of God— December 12–18, (“Sabbath, quality learning experiences”)
#13 Heaven, Education, and Eternal Learning—December 19–25, (“Forever learning”)
If you have any questions or want further support please contact the Adventist Education Office.